
2022 | Habitar la Imagen | Online Exhibition

2021 | Spoonzine: Bread & Revolution | Antwerp, Belgium


Restoration is a piece about identity, inhabitance and inner ecosystems, which consisted of repairing my skin’s microbiome through the bacteria and yeast found in a sourdough grown at home. The sourdough was placed on my face as a sort of “beauty mask” and left enough to dry. Once the mask was removed, it was put back again into the rest of the sourdough and left to grow, the process was carried out for a week, the last day it was used to bake bread I ate to create a synergy between the different organisms I relate to. 

A collage was developed from the photographs taken during the whole process and it was then published in Spoonzine’s “Bread and Revolution” issue and later on exhibited @Habitar la Imagen.