Infraestructura de una Catástrofe
2012 | Algorithmic Topography | MUCA | Mexico City, Mexico.
“Our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert”
-Donna Haraway, Simians, Cyborgs and Women
Infrastructure of a catastrophe is about the way we become in our lives more and more static. We are turning into automatic beings as if we were robots and not a human.
It is a way to a catastrophe, not only natural but also material and very technological. Sketch by sketch we can appreciate our own infrastructure, one that will lead us into automatization, not only human but technological too until human and machine becomes one.
It shows our own catastrophe through the history and the development of technology, the goal is to reach a balance in which we are going to be able to use technology as an instrument but do not let it control our entire lives.
We can dream the future for our machines but can we dream the human automatization?