Tlalli • Conversations with soil
Soil Chromatography | Experimental (eco)Poetry | Ongoing Project
2023 | ESSAY Project Space | Berlin, Germany

‘Tlalli’ is an ecocentric approach through soil chromatograms and experimental poetry that addresses a new narrative regarding permaculture, particularly sustainable agriculture. The ongoing project is a conversation between urban gardeners and the soil they work with, emphasizing the subjective connection, labor, and relationship between them in an alliance based on cooperation and reciprocity.
For this project, the artist visited self-sustainable urban gardens, spent time with the gardeners, shared a meal and took soil samples from specific parts of the gardens. The soil chromatograms and the (eco)poems emerged from such conversations with the gardeners and their soil. Soil chromatography is a photographic process where finely ground soil is absorbed by filter paper coated with silver nitrate. Due to the capillary action, the ‘picture’ appears. It is a low-cost method for analyzing soil’s chemical and biological state.
The experimental poems are crafted through a meticulous analysis of soil chromatograms, weaved in words collected during interviews with the gardeners. These words vividly capture the bond they share with their land and the profound reverence they hold for the soil.
At its core, this project delves into the intricate interplay between human beings and their surrounding environment, exploring their coexistence. It serves as a crossroads where (eco)poetics and image intersect, fostering a platform for addressing and transitioning toward more sustainable practices. Through the fusion of such scientific and societal narratives, we find a pathway towards a more harmonious coexistence on earth.