Context-Site Installation | Mixed Media
2017 | Trasformatorio | Castello Ruffo Rufo | Sicily, Italy

Alluvione is a site-specific piece about memory, tragedy, hope and nostalgia, it showcases how a town has changed by being marginalised and one of the natural disasters it has gone through, a flood. Dried cactus leaves, which have such a beautiful decadence process, were carefully selected and dyed with the natural pigment of the fruit from the same plant, tuna. Later on, they were joined one after another to create a line which symbolises tears. Alluvione was placed in a specific site of the castle tormented by air, as a reminder of the flood and the unstoppable trace and force of nature.
The piece was developed during the residency program for Trasformatorio 2017 which took place in Scaletta Zanclea, a small village in Sicily, Italy. The residency consisted of an intervention regarding the village with around 30 international artists. Throughout the course of 10 days, we were able to go around the village, get to know the people and work inside Castelo Rufo Ruffo, where our main task was to intervene the castle, and develop a site-specific artwork.